Tuesday 19 January 2010

Preliminary Peer Feedback - Ghislaine

Peer Evaluation Feedback

Our peers gave us feedback after we showed them the film;

  • The things about our film that they thought were good;

  • That the sound effects used were good.

  • The choice of soundtrack was effective.

  • The idea of using the cutaway for the shot when I (the student) am pulling up my tie.

  • That there was high-quality framing.

  • The white balance was accurate throughout the film.

The things about our film that they thought were bad;

  • A continuity error within the shot where Cristina (the teacher) pulls down her glasses and then in the next shot they were back on properly (over her eyes).

  • They suggested using a tracking shot to follow me (the student) walking out the classroom.

The things we would like to change in our short movie would be to add more shots, so that there would be some more content.

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