Friday 8 January 2010


Media studies AS Level 2009
Foundation Portfolio the preliminary task
What I have learned about the use of the relevant technology used to create the film for the preliminary task is.

•The video camera was a mini DV camera, this technology was used to film the actual preliminary task and I have learnt how to use a camera properly with the help of the tripod. We used the tripod to help stand up the camera so it didn’t wobble whilst filming otherwise the footage would be unclear. The mistakes we made with filming was filming the clock. Every time we filmed it light reflected of it which meant we had to re-film it about 10 -15 more times to finally get the clock correct.

•Other technology used to create the film was an IPOD which had the music used in the film on it. We used a recording device to record the sound of the mobile phone.

•The editing software; this helped to edit the preliminary task. For this we used garageband to recreate the clock and footsteps sounds, and can store imported music from devices.Also used was Imovie to edit the film with a range of techniques. These programs help to create the music and helped with editing the preliminary task.

The personal input I put into the creation of the preliminary task was a bit of everything (editing, filming, storyboard and early ideas) apart from actually featuring in the film. I helped in getting ideas by researching into different things we could do in the task, also helping with ideas on the actual structure and plan of the preliminary task. I came up with things we could add to make it better like speeding and slowing some scenes down as well with ideas of different shot types to use, like over the shoulder and close ups.Finally I helped to edit the preliminary task.

The way my group demonstrated the three continuity editing strategies of match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule were;

•Match on action was when the teacher walks through the door into the classroom we chose to use this with the door as it was the best idea of how to use match on action. Editing this strategy was a long process to get the clips to go into timing with each other.

•Shot/reverse shot was used when the student was in their detention waiting for the teacher to arrive and wait till the teacher let her leave. Filming arrangement was easy we just did the shots of the teacher first then the students then mugged around with them while editing.

•180 degree rule was used during filming with the line going diagonally across the room whilst filming. Setting up the camera had to be all done on one side of the room otherwise the 180 rule would be broken.

What me and my group intend to do to improve the practical work for the main task, in the near future, is to use artificial lighting with a colourful tint to give more of an effect to our film. This is because in the preliminary task we used the built in lighting system as it was a good bright light. We could also use a better quality camera to make the shots in our film more clear.

(screen graps to follow )

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