Thursday 21 January 2010

Cristina - One Hour Photo

One Hour Photo

The main character- what sort of a person?

He is in prison in the first few shots, looking very confused and kind. But as it goes on it stars to unveil that he is actually a very troubled man who is very lonely which leads to his imprisonment.

How do you feel about the character?

You feel sorry for the character when he is being interrogated he does not look or act like a normal criminal, you also want to find out more about the character because when he is asked about the family the atmosphere changes and you can see it affects him.

Analyse the opening credits- why have they created them in this particular way?

I really liked how in the opening credits it looks as if it is film roll being processed when the production company etc was being introduced.

The setting- what sort of atmosphere does this build and how have camerawork, M en S, editing and sound help create this?

Atmosphere is built by using sound to emphasise that something is going to happen, overall the setting is creepy and isolated. The main one which is a close up really only lets you focus on the main character and how emotionally attached he is to the family

How do sound, Mise en scene, camera work and editing create the effect of the flashback?

The flash back is important we see this through the sound as the sound gets louder and then cuts to a ‘happy memory’ the differences between the music shocks the audience as it completely contradicts the reality of the situation. As they slow down the flashback it really helps to show just how important it is to him.

How do aspects of Mise En Scene and sound work to communicate very different atmospheres between the two places (the police interview room and the family celebration in the garden)?

In the police interview room everything is white and isolated there is only a table and a chair, it’s very cold and eerie as there is no background music and just the sound of the two men talking it shows it’s important

Whereas in the flashback it’s very happy music it’s parallel to what is going on also it’s all been done in slow motion to show it’s importance.

1 comment:

  1. good end analysis, however, don't forget to discuss the "HOW" in terms of how you have arrived at this analysis.
