Thursday 21 January 2010

Chris Jennings “One Hour Photo”

A) The main character – what sort of a person?

The main character seems to be in a prison or is under arrest for a crime he has committed within the first few shots which is confusing. Bust as it goes on you uncover that the man is very troubled and lonely which leads to his imprisonment.

B) How do you feel about the main character and why ?

My feelings on the main character when he is being interrogated are that I feel sympathy for him seems to be disturbed by something that has happened to him before he was in prison.

C) Analyse the opening credits – why have they created them in this particular way?

The opening credits of (One Hour Photo) are used to emotionally capture the audience and to pull them into that start of the film.

D) The setting - what sort of atmosphere does this build and how have camerawork, M en S and sound helped to create this ?

The setting of the prison suggests that it’s a sad environment as you can see from mans facial expressions and tone of voice. The use of camera work is slow shots with a very quite and sometimes in the scene no music gives to the effect of a dull environment the sound is a very dull quite sound to go with the scene.

E) How do sound, mise en scene, camerawork and editing create the effect of the flashback?

Slow motion scene showing a happy time at a Childs birthday party with a happy quite music to go with the happiness in the scene at the party. This shows a happy time which gives to the audience that this is a happy time.

F) How do aspects of Mise en scene and sound work to communicate very different atmosphere between the two places?

When the man is being interrogated in the police interview room the place seems to be life less with no other sound than the camera and the two men talking in the interview room which gives the impression to the audience is that it’s a very dull, bland colour, quite environment.

The Childs party is the total opposite to the police station as it’s a very happy and colourful environment with laughter and happiness of children smiling and just the happiness of the atmosphere at the Childs birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. d) is exactly the sort of thing you need to do and discusses the "HOW" of the meaning. Apply this more consistently.
