Tuesday 2 March 2010

Research Task - Ghislaine Belither (This post should be further down the page with the rest of the groups research tasks)

Se7en (1995) - Click for information

This film is about two detectives, one of which is going to retire. They go about trying to find out who keeps murdering people and is relating each murder to each one of the seven deadly sins.

 In the opening sequence of this film you see a lot of strange activity, which help to create questions within the viewers mind by use of enigma codes. For example, you wonder why someone is making a book of random newspaper cuttings....

  • Theme - Se7en is a murder mystery type of thriller which deals with the seven deadly sins. The main issues covered in the film are that of murder. This is very much shown as the theme from the beginning.
  • Camera work - The majority, if not all, of the first few minutes of this film are shot at quite an eye level angle to the characters. The most important shots (the opening credits) are all done as close ups to create a more uncertain and intense feeling for the audience to experience.
  • Mood - The mood of this 3 minute opening sequence is quite dark, confusing and a little twisted. The confusing parts are mainly the detective and his metrognome which is an enigma code designed to raise questions and confusion. The opening credits are mainly the dark bits within the whole opening.
  • Sound - The sound within the opening sequence of Se7en is non-diegetic apart from the sound effect of the metrognome. The main sound is over the title sequence, this piece of music is dark and a little bit disturbing, It seems to put the audience on edge.
  • Mise en scene - This is used to create normality within the shots that include the characters in their bedrooms, the costumes also indicate normality within the characters lives. However, the lighting used in the shots with the pieces of paper being cut and only hands are present is very dark to create mystrery..
  • Characters - Only three characters are shown within these few minutes but from the breif encounters with them it is obvious to see that the two men are main characters as the first man is in a shot of his own and the second one is followed when he gets up, by the camera. Both men seem to be quite important and with the use of light and silence are suggested to be good people.
Within the first few minutes of a film the idea is to get the audience hooked and intrigued so they want to watch more. I believe that this opening does that. This opening sequence almost immediately shows the audience the main characters and gives an idea of the mood of the whole film.

Memento (2000) - Click this link for information

Memento is about a man that suffers from an extreme form of short-term memory loss and his battles to try and find out who murdered his wife.

 In this opening sequence the audience sees the motion of someone, seemingly a main character, shooting another person. However, this is shown in a rewind sort of sequence suggesting that it may be a flashback of some kind.

  • Theme - Memento is a film that has a huge mysterious element about it, this is blatent from the beginning of the few minutes that make the opening sequence.
  • Camera Work -  For the most part of the opening the shots are close up, with writing placed dead centre of the frame. A lot of the shots are close up so that it is clear what the audience should be focusing.
  • Mood - The mood created by these opening shots is that of confusion and a bit sinister.
  • Sound - The main music is a non-diegetic orchestrial piece to create intrigue and is quite saddening. Nearing the end of the opening sequence, after the opening credits, there is a use of emphasized diegetic sound effects.
  • Mise en scene - There is nothing extraordinary about the use of lighting and costumes, the two characters featured in this clip both have ordinary costumes (everyday clothing) and the lighting isn't particularly sinister.
  • Characters - Only one character is shown properly in this opening, suggesting that they are the main character and the portrayal of this character is that they are a murderer.
This opening sequence isn't very clear about what the actual film may be about, however, it is quite intriguing.

The Usual Suspects (1995) - Click for information
This film is about a boat that gets destroyed and 27 people end up dead with only one survivor that has a twisted story of events.

In this opening sequence we see a blackened figure on a boat confronting a man, seemingly shooting him and then blowing up the boat. This raises questions in the audiences head (enigma codes).

  • Theme - This is another murder mystery type of thriller but with a more confusing tale to be told.
  • Camera Work - Most shots done in this opening clip are medium shots apart from when at a very low angle looking up at the mysterious outline of the man on the balcony. This suggests he may have power over the rest of the characters.
  • Mood - The main mood that this opening gives the audience is confusion because there are a lot of enigma codes.
  • Sound - Most of the sound in this clip is diegetic this gives a sense of reality to the film and really draws the audience in. The use of non-diegetic music is only slight but is used to create tension.
  • Mise en scene - Everything in this opening sequence is dark including the lighting and costumes. The lighting is mainly dark because it's outside at night but it is also used to create the dark and mysterious theme.
  • Characters - Only two characters are seen, one of which is suggested to be the antagonist as his identity isn't shown throughout the whole clip. The other character shown just appears to be a small insignifcant man.
This first sequence is used to get the audience asking questions which creates them to want to find out the answers.

I Am Legend (2007) - Click for information
This film is about a man that is immune to a disease that kills or turns the whole world's population into monsters, he is left to try and find a cure.

In this opening sequence again enigma codes are used but there is more tension as the audience watches to see what is going to break the silence..
Opening Sequence - Click to view
  • Camera Work - It begins with quite slow panning birds eye view shots but as the action begins to kick in it switches to fast paced point of view shots this gets the audience involved with the action.
  • Mood - From the beginning it gives a sort of exciting mood.
  • Sound - The silence used at the beginning actually creates tension as you, as the audience, are expecting something to make you jump. All the sound is diegetic which makes the audience feel more involved as it appears to be more realistic.
  • Mise en scene - The setting alone suggests something is very wrong within this city as there are plants growing out of the road and buildings.
  • Character - The only character shown is suggested to be the main character because he is focused on as he races around trying to shoot animals.
The beginning of this film doesn't give a lot away but does briefly introduce the audience to the main character.

Kill Bill:Vol. 1 (2003) - Click for information

This is about an assassin that is robbed of a child by fellow assassins and she sets about taking revenge on them.
The opening sequence is very dark and hard hitting but almost immediately captures the audience.

Mood - Dark and seemingly twisted, as she wakes up covered in blood.

Mise en scene - The main character is shown to be good as she is still wearing white and is seemingly being agitated by someone else, creating the sense that she is the victim.

Camera work - All of which is medium close up of the characters face at a eye level view. Reinforcing the characters struggle and emotions on to the audience directly.

Sound - Diegetic, just the sound of the character breathing and then the sound of footsteps, creating the dark theme that is carried on throughout the film.

This opening doesn't say much at all but makes the audience wonder why the character is in such a state

1 comment:

  1. You need to adopt a cherry picking approach - you are writing in a far too generalised way here. Write about particularly interesting shots and go into the detail of the "HOW".

    Consider your format, break down the analysis into a number of bullet points.
